Thursday, September 5, 2013

The World of Intergalactic Translation

Since the dawn of time, humans have sought to investigate a question, the answer to which severely affects our existence: are we alone in this expanse?   From the very moment we discovered that we're not the only ones here, commercial industry has transformed radically.  Throughout the years, human involvement in intergalactic commerce has reshaped every facet of earthly civilization.  Perhaps the most prominent changes have involved communication.  In every part of life on earth - government to metaphysics, culinary arts to slang, medicine to fashion - communication is key.  When communication takes place smoothly, industries follow.

It is for this reason that ALTIS Company exists.  Our mission is to equip both earthlings and aliens with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to ensure accurate and authentic communication.  In everything from verbal translation, to telepathic sensory manipulation, to non-biped body language, it's our goal to ensure universal communication.

The purpose of this blog is to provide a trustworthy source for the latest in intergalactic communication.